Thursday, August 30, 2007

night of the comet

sorry for the lack of posts this week. It is a rather tough week at work. but yeah posts will be regular from now on. so yeah

this movie is alot of fun. If you like all 80's cheese if you don't then well whateva. In fact it's a great movie for a party for anyone from 14 to my age to older. It's fun and it does it's dam job pretty well.
It's kind of a werid concept but it works and i never questioned it. basically it's about a comet that wipes out everyone in the earth by making them either dust or zomibes. except for anyone pretected by steel. Which cause this one girl was fucking her boyfriend in a film booth she was fine. Because film projection booth are reinforced with steel. It is a building code in both new york and california so there are no fire hazards.
Anyway yeah it is fun this might be a good film to watch before dawn of the dead. so if you like fun cult kinda things check this out.


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