Monday, June 25, 2007

mickey and nickey, then carbret

This movie is the lost film gem that you havn't seen and barely anyone else has. It stars both John Cassavetes and Pete Falk.
The premise of the film is John Cassavetes character is on the run from getting killed by the mob. so he asks his friend to hang out with him (peter Falk) however is friend is hanging out with him so the mob knows were he is and that's the whole movie. it's fucking nuts and probably i guess could be a play or something.
The main thing that works is cassavetes and falk were real life friends. so it works real well.
The director has only made 3 films but because of this i wanna see all of them.
I think this is defently a great movie time has forgotten or maybe never knew about. but you know it should be coo to own which i will.
Also ned betty is in it and is fucking awesome.

So stupid me i expected a kind of musical but like i don't know i didn't expect a truffant movie with little musical performances. in fact the cabret is where she works but really the film is about a gay michael york and Liza (with a Z thank you very much) minelle living in an apartment together and having this weird relationship.
I wish someone had told me earlier that this was this good. I'm shocked america liked this movie cause it is by no means mainstream at all. It's almost a werid art film with catchy songs.
Having seen this and All that jazz i now must see all of Bob Fosse's film cause he is fucking awesome. I allready saw Lenny and that was good. But yeah defently check this one out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jim. I told you it was good, and not really a musical at all.

You never listen to me

1:59 PM


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