J. J. Abrams made 55 million dollars this weekend

J.J. Abrams the guy who created Felicity, Alias, and Lost and then directed Mission impossiable 3 made a total of 55 million from seperate deals with Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. TV. This sucks for Disney because there trying to steal him away and well they're doing a good fucking job. Paramount wants him to do the new Star Trek movie.
Ok honestly What the fuck like 55 million are you fucking serious. For fucking Star Trek that will make maybe 80 million that's not good bussiness. Ok well all together both totaled 55 so i guess it's like 20 or something but Star Trek. I mean I like Star Trek but it doesn't have what it used to with people. Also the one movie he directed did not do that well. I guess there not blaming him.
Warner brothers tv did make a great deal cause tv wise he is worth.
ok honestly I do like him I just can see a problem coming. I really do want a good Star Trek movie but don't over spead that will hurt it more then anything.
What I read said he would be working on a new Start Trek TV show, not a movie.
1:07 PM
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