Weekend Box office estimates
top 10
1.Pirates $35,049,000
2. Monster House $23,000,000
3.Lady in the water $18,210,000
4.Dupree $12,787,000
5.Little Man $11,000,000
6.Clerks 2 $9,625,000
7.My Super Ex-Girlfriend $8,700,000
8.Superman Returns $7,460,000
9.The Devil Wears Prada $7,425,000
10.Cars $4,910,000
Pirates is number one blah blah blah it's huge and stuff. But third week at number one is amazing and shows how big this movie is. We'll see if it can keep it up next week with Miami Vice but i think it has a good shot of still being number one.
Monster house did what is was supposed to so it worked out
Lady in the water did under 20 (big shock) mostly cause who wanted to see such a lame idea. I think Disney was smart to say no orignially. Honestly this shold shoud M.night that he's not as good or big as he thinks he is. He should have known this with the village but I guess he's kinda dumb. Basically this movie wasn't something anyone was intrested in thus why it's so low.
Dupree beat little man cause little man dropped most of it's ad campaign this week while Dupree didn't. Smart move for dupree. it also did better druing the week then little man. I'm guessing Dupree may end up being the sleeper they say it will be but we will have to wait and see. I think it won't be honestly and that it's gonna be one of those movies that's a punch line in ten years.
Clerks 2 did 2 million better then most said. I really did think it would make 12. but unforently it didn't it did well cause of a good tv and internet campaign the so so reviews didn't help it. but putting it in alot of art theaters did.
My super ex-girlfriend bombed hahaha. it was a bad idea and not intresting and not very funny. It did have a good campaign and I guess would have done worse if it didn't have that which must hurt cause it did like 10 million less then everyone though ouch.
the rest superman returns still not doing great but hangs in there
Devil wears prada will hit 100 million during the week.
thats it
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