best comic movies of the new era
With the release of Spider-Man 3 today. i figured I'd do something coo and talk about the best comic movies since basically this decade began and comic movies were all over the place and some were actually good. This is really amazing because before this decade comic movies suck. I mean did you see Steal or Dr. Strange or anything that didn't have batman or superman it wasn't so good. Unless it was like a documentary or something. Alot of people said the first spider-man movie made comic movies huge. And yeah that's true so I guess it's fitting to see what has happened since the first film came out.
I just picked the best ones there is no real order just the best comic movies that have come out this decade.
The X-men had been around in media for a while in 2003 but no film or tv really captured the writing of the man who made X-Men huge and intresting. That man is Chris Claremont.
When Bryan Singer made the first X-Men film he knew little of the comics but this time he read up and it shows.
I think this film works two ways one it is crowd pleasing when wolverine brings out his claws and cuts people up your like holy fuck this is fucking awesome. In fact most of the movie your like fuck yeah. but also it's written well. there are lots of storylines that work and there is just enough going on so that it doesn't get to convaluted.
I think this is the closet anything movie or tv show to any X-Men comic and it's wounderful.
The first spiderman is good don't get me wrong ok. it was a little to power rangers sometimes but over all it was good. The slow mo totally works to bring all the crazy fights from the comic to the screen.
The big thing about both spiderman films is there done by a guy who grew up with spiderman and loves spiderman.
This movie shows that so well. In fact I think Steve Ditko inked it. It felt so much like a spiderman comic come to life it's crazy. I watched it again recently and was amazed at how Sam Ramimi totally had fun with this and it showed in fact this does get my vote for the best comic movie of all time. He puts in dialouge that sounds like it should be in a comic with imagery and then even has a tribute to evil dead and it comes off. Fucking awesome
Remeber the first time you got made the academt didn't nominate paul Giamantee. well it was this movie. A werid idea but it works the same way his comic works and it's good. Showing even how his comic is made and tons about his comic doing a basic outline of his life.
I like that underground comics get made into films that are good rather then fritz the cat.
This movie came up wiht the idea lets just use a comic as a story board and make it that may and it was awesome. The film noir refferences are there but most importantly as an experiment this works so well that I really want a ton of comic movies to do this. This was an amazing idea and proably Rodriguez best film to date. Everyone was good in it and I don't know this worked and I can't wait for a sequal.
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