Dressed to kill and please don't see pirates

I like DePalma and this film is certainly another reason why. I do understand the simularites between this and psycho but who cares. This is a good Hitchcockian thriller . I like how Depalma made everything scary but the way he shots and edits is the real star on imdb it said the average shot is 6 seconds that's a long time. Also he makes really coo camera movements that really pay off in this film.
Much like his film Sisters this movie knows what it's doing for the most part. Granted you probably can guess the villian before and stuff but it's fun when you get there. Depalma is better at thrillers then anything else and should really just stick with them. good movie if you like sisters if you didn't then i don't know do something else.
So Pirates 3 opens today or opened last nite at midnite. I really just cannot believe everyone wants to see this movie. The first was good but only for a big action thing. The second one was so boring and long how can people want to sit through it again. It's almost 3 fucking hours. I'm really confused. Also are these characters even that good like Johnny Depp never has enough rum haha hillrious. There are a million other people in it that I'm supposed to remember that everyone seems to know. These films make me weep for the american or well worldwide public.
This film is going to be truly awful and thanx for helping it become possiably the biggest thing ever with predictions going to 200 million for the 4 day weekend. Seriously people SERIOUSLY you need to see this movie that bad. you understand there are other movies out. i don't know honestly what the fuck seriously what the fuck
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