Thursday, July 19, 2007

I've tasted first blood

So I had never seen Rambo until last nite. Honestly it is a good action movie. You've got things you know are coming but you want that. And it's great. That's what's good about first blood. You want it to be the movie it wants to be. so all is good. Stalone is not really good at acting in this movie but he doesn't need be he just needs to kick ass and he did that real well.
I leanrned at important lesson from this film DON'T FUCK WITH RAMBO EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
SERIOUSLY. all they did to piss him off was a cop didn't were he was walking. Man if Towson punks were like this nobody would be left. Seriously Rambo doesn't take shit from anyone.
I hear the later ones are seriously ridcolous but this one was coo and as an action movie it's great. as a regualar movie it's ok but you're gonna see rambo for the action not for some stupid character stuff or something.

Fun FACT: Initially Mike Nichols was interested in directing and wanted Dustin Hoffman to play the lead. Hoffman wasn't interested, however, as he thought it was too violent.

Why is that because the book was a very critically acclaimed New York Times well reviewed book. That people though was good literature. Guess the movie strays a little from that.


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