Friday, July 13, 2007

the searchers

wow the searchers is frankly amazing. By far the best John Wayne film. The best John Ford film. Fuck the best Western. And most defently one of the best films ever made.
There's so much in here it's like trying to pick apart Citizen Kane in one post it wouldn't be right so i won't attempt to even try. if you have never seen this film and have any intrest in film. you don't have any intrest in film til you see this and you can quote me on that. Is it that good fuck yes.
John Wayne is an amazing actor. But you wouldn't know it. when i was a teenager i would be like John Wayner can't really act but John Wayne is an actor who has a tough job. He plays similair parts but has to find a way to make them different. Most actors can't do that but Wayne looks like he doesn't even think about it. This is probably one of the few different roles he took and most defently the guys best performance and that is really saying something.
There are so many John Wayne/John Ford films to pick from and so many amazing ones but this is the best. of the 14 they worked with.
Anyway here are some coo trivia facts about the searchers.

The searchers was shot in projected in a different way the most films. as the films was shot horizonatlly instead of vertically making the colors richer which is why the film looks so amazing.

the film is based on a true story wikipedia quote "The story of the original novel version of The Searchers is often said to have been inspired by the 1836 kidnapping of nine-year-old Cynthia Ann Parker by Comanche warriors who raided her family's home at Fort Parker. She spent twenty-five years with the Comanche, married a war chief, and had three children, only to be "rescued" against her will by the Texas Rangers. James W. Parker, Cynthia Ann's uncle, spent much of his life and fortune in what became his obsessive search for her."

some imdb trivia quotes

"Natalie Wood was still a student in high school when this film was being made, and on several occasions both John Wayne and Jeffrey Hunter had to pick her up at school on days when she was required on the set. This caused a good deal of excitement among Wood's female classmates."

"One of the first movies to market itself with a making-of documentary aired on TV. Gig Young hosted the program, with Jeffrey Hunter as the guest."

David Lean watched the searchers tons of time to prepare see how to shot landscape in Laurance of Araba

this film influenced tons of films including Star Wars, Taxi Driver, Apocalplyse Now, and was a favorite of every good director that came out of the 70's.


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