Friday, August 03, 2007

I finally saw Harry Potter 5

This maybe the best one. Not the best shot and maybe not written but the best movie. You see the other 4 and espically the first 3 worked as companion pieces to the book. This however works on it's own. Which is really how it should work anyway. So for that I give it tons of props.
The kids acting is still good and really make warners have a good reason to keep them around and pay them shit loads of money. Daniel Radcliff is good enough to carry these movies and I'm curious what he'll be like in other films.
However the script needed work. When Sirius Black died I didn't care and not cause I'm actually a robot but because I didn't know him there was never a scene of them bonding or anything. In fact in the 3 films he's been in there wasn't enough bonding to make his character emotionally invested. Lupin maybe ok cause they did a good job of that in the third. In fact I noticed I cared alot more for Lupin.
Also Cho like what the fuck harry. I didn't know her either. Like what does he see in her. If i was him i would hook up with that weird girl who lost her shoes. It would be crazy but at least he somewhat knew her.
I did like alot of it and special effects were intagrated the best out of all the films. I think David Yates did a dam good job and even though I've been against him since his name was annouced i liked it so bravo.
If you like a good harry potter movie you will like it. If they had the well written script from 4 and alfonso back i'm sure it would be better but so would gang of new york being made in 1978 so you know it's just dreaming but it is a good movie and probably the best out of all the big summer movies this year even that is not really saying much at all.


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