Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

No I havn't seen the new one yet but i'm moving and have no money so be prepared for an onslaught of new movies when i have money again.
This film is probably the best one and yeah it cuts stuff out and all but it still works. I had no problem unstanding the story and I really thought it didn't work but it does. Yeah the best script for a Potter film is Goblet of Fire but overall this one is the best.
Visually it's fucking amazing. Making you forget how pedestrain the original two were.
It sucks that he only got two do one cause everything looks so good in this film and you could probably even turn the sound off and follow it ok.
Even the actors are better in this one.
I hope they can keep it up after this one cause this was like a big shot in the arm to the film world like hey harry potter doesn't have to suck.
If you could only own one I would pick this one however it is the lowest grossing one so maybe they knew not to do this again.
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