Wednesday, August 08, 2007

motion capture takes a hit

I read today that motion capture or mo cap films can no longer be elijabale in the best animated feature cateogorey. and thank god too. Motion capture doesn't really work and it's not animation so it makes a lot of sense.
I think motion cature wouldn't piss anyone as much if well alot of things one it looks like shit the people in it look really weird. Also Robert Zemeckis said that it's better then animation. Bad move cause it made him look like a jack ass and everyone kinda hate mo cap.
Motion Capture doesn't really have any good movies so far all we have is Polar Express and monster house. both i don't wanna see and the little bit of polar express that i saw was so bad i didn't wann finish it.
Usually to have a new technology take off you have to have like a classic film that really showcases it. But also you need a new technology that doesn't like shit. So that 's two strikes against them.
Beowolf which is the latest mo cap film. Has wounderful backgrounds and that's it. all the stars in the film don't even look themselves they look like bad imatations of themselves. It does have a script by Neil Gaimen but i doubt it's worht while


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