charlie brown hey ya and John Cusack
i don't want this to become you tube embed crazy so there is a movie thing below it.
when this video came out orignally in the pre you tube days. charles schultz's family said it had to come down but apprently nobody told them about you tube. so it's back the editing in this video is amazingly awesome and absoutely perfect. i missed this for so long.

Recently John Cusack said in an interview that he has only made ten good movies and he listed them in the interview
what are the films he picked The Sure Thing, Eight Men Out, Say Anything, The Grifters, Bullets Over Broadway, Grosse Pointe Blank, The Thin Red Line, Being John Malkovich, High Fidelity, Max.
I would like to thank John Cusack for admitting he has done alot of shit. like seriously must love dogs whatever. I know all the movie sites are freaking out about this but i like it. John Cusack is a coo guy but Con Air and shit come on i would have liked if better off dead and bob roberts and sixteen candles got on there also the cradle will rock but hey at least he's keeping it real. I mean did you think will smith is gonna say the legend of bagger vance was a bad idea.
anyway thanx John Cusack for keeping it real
also i seriously fucked hated for years when people would make excuses for some piece of shit movie he was and be like but John Cusack is so good. Well at least now i can say even John Cusack doesn't wanna see this movie
better off dead is my life!
no, but really, it was awesome, and still is, and it makes me feel kinda sad that the main actor in the movie doesn't feel the way i do about it...
8:18 PM
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