how to get ahead in advertising and cletus

This is a strange little movie. It starts off with alot of kafka esqe but then losses the kafka in the end but it's still good. An intresting idea as well. the plot is about an ad executive that grows a head that is evil and then takes over his body and becomes very successful as an ad exec. Also it's weird and british. i picked this up just cause of the title but it was worth it. It's probably more like a twilight zone episode with witty dialouge. i have no clue how easy this is to find but it is on critrion.
so ok i put out some cletus last nite. both are episodes that had problems with them but i fixed them and they look find now.
I don't know if this one is funny but it defently is fun. i heard from a couple people who said that they were disappointed at the bands i made fun of cause they liked those bands but it's a cartoon. Also spank dick isn't a real band soooo not sure it should be taken so seriously.
This one is based on a true story. not sure if it's funny but it is allready doing pretty good on you tube and i have no clue why. the music in this one is awesome epsically the end theme. also this one does have the theme song in it.
not sure if i posted this when i put it on you tube but it's now on myspace and stuff.
Cletus the Fetus Ep. 12 Darkstar
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