citizen kane and volver
This movie has so much to talk about that really doing a blog entry and calling it a day would be un fair. This film is obviously crazy good and you can notice and take away something new every time.
It's shot so good my god really it's amazing. Techincally this film is defently one of the best made films. Orson's performance is amazing when you think about the range and how you never doubt it you believe in kane as a real person.
I don't know if there is a best film of all time but this is nearly a perfect film.
This film has so many wounerful moments. I sometimes can't believe this film.
One thing that is intresting is this film was originally called the american. which odd it made the american film instutuate's number one amercian film.
Also and this is film geek lore and i think most people know if but just for those who don't. The rumor is that the big reason william randolf hearst was so angry at the film was that his last words were rosebud. Which supposedly was the pet name of Hearst Girlfriend's (Marlenia Deitrich) Vagina.
i have heard this story from several people. i don't know if it's true but it's a great legend.
If all chick flicks were like this then buy me a ticket for music and lyrics. Unforently i live in america and they don't make like this here. but in spain they have pedro almodovar.
This film reminds me alot of all about my mother his 1999 film. And i could even watch mother and then this.
It works very well and Penelope Cruse is really good in it. This film feels like it's longer then it is which is nice. I think it's one of my favorites by almodover. I like it more when he does these kinda films.
which actually thes films remind me alot of the quote un quote women picutres from the 40's with Joan Crawford. like mildred pirece or something
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