saturday night and sunday morning

This film was reccomended to me by my friend Kool-Aid. It's defently a coo movie. Albert Finney does a great job playing a working class degenaret in this film. It shows how he hates the lifestyle he is currently in but at least he's gonna have a good time while hating it. He's a really good character and one worth checking out. I'm suprised more people havn't heard of this film but it's one that most people my age would really like i think. Slightly reminds me of slc punk but without the punk more just the attutude. Maybe there both films about people realzing when to just grow up and face the music. This is a film worth checking out. not enought people watch british cinema anyway.
no cletus not cause i'm mad just ran out of time but got alot done on the new nockforce ep i think it will be coo should be out in a bit not sure when though we'll see.
instead here's stuff from you tube i found
this cosby opening has really awesome music wish they stayed with this theme but the others were still coo.
i got this from nah right . I think this is a crazy report the part where they place naz's music is the best they even use images from videos of song he was never even in. I will give fox news credit they do know how to manipulate a story.
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