speed racer was awesome and cletus

I saw this movie in Imax and i suggest you do too. before it goes away. This movie was alot of fun. in fact more fun then i've seen from a kids film in a while. The Wachowski's best film since the first matrix (not saying much i know). theres some much stuff going in this movie like the car chases are wild.
It also doesn't forget about the orignal material it did it's service. So it's perfect for die hrad fans and 7 year olds.
In a way this film is like Robert Altmans Popeye. Both being close to the orignal and both are crazy as shit movies.
Listen i know speed racer bombed it's not gonna come back it's over but if you can catch this and espically in I max do it. Loads of fun in fact if this had been a hit we could have had a huge fun summer.
Also you know what sucks the rest of the summer has no more fun stuff. fuck man
See Speed Racer is one of a kind awesomness don't miss out and don't expect like a good movie. Speed Racer is the stupid movie that we all wanted it to be and more. if only the Wachowski's could only make kids movies. It's like Rodriguez but way more thought out.
but if you're not sure if speed racer is right for you then check out this chart Ian made about the speed racer movie

I put up a cletus episode on sunday. It's the valentines day one. why so late. it kept giving me problems and then just worked. Thus why the credits are weird but i didn't want it to take any longer. i wish it had gotten out for valentines day but i'll just wait til next year.
This one was fun and i really like this one. The song at the end was by a band that had broken up but the sent me a song that never had been released for the end theme.
We were all single and lonely when this came out and it was a fun anti valentines day thing.
also a short playlist with the music video which has cletus co creator and well the guy who drew all of it Zero.
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