marvel films and iron man playlist
ok so i'm iron man crazy right now. but this will be the last one for a bit. i put a coo playlist in here too.
Iron man is coo and they just annouced a sequal and other marvel films. so to be a nice guy I'm listing all the marvel films from hulk to avengers
The Incredible Hulk June 13th 2008
Punisher: War Zone September 12th 2008
X-Men Origins: Wolverine May 1st 2009
Iron Man 2 April 30, 2010
Thor June 4, 2010
The First Avenger: Captain America (working title) May 6, 2011
The Avengers July 2011
I'm very curious how everything will work out with all of them being contected. Also if Hulk will get a sequal before avengers too if it does well. We are gonna have to wait and see. I know Tony Stark and Nick Fury will be in Hulk. Also the Wolverine movie should be coo. Thor i have no clue whats gonna on with that and am really wondering how they're gonna do that one. Matthew Vaughn is directing thor and that could be coo. He almost directed x-men 3. Captain america could be made chessie but i never thought i'd go this crazy for iron man so prove me wrong.

I wanted to celebrate the success with an iron man playlist. This includes 3 different theme songs, one cartoon from the 60's, a fight between batman and iron man and black sabbath with iron man. its all here review on monday see ya then.

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