Sunday, August 20, 2006

DON'T SEE Myra Breckinridge

I know your like why are you ralling against this movie. Well cause it's not good and makes like no sense at all. But most importantly fox the studio that owns the film seems to want to get alot of people into and make it and even bigger cult movie. I wanna save you the trouble of seeing such an awful film that makes no sense. Seriously it doesn't and the editing is stupid as hell. Like this is worse the ed wood bad it's just awful.
I know fox is pushing this film with lots of dvds and showing the film on tv at midnight to get the cult crowd but this movie isn't good. I mean mommie dearest is a great cult movie but this eww.
And the plot ok so you have rex reed as the main character and he gets a sex change and turns into myra breckinridge who is played by Raquel Welch. How the fuck does that work. Then it just gets odd. Really Make if your messed up but really this is bland and boring no matter how nice a dvd they put out just don't watch it please go watch i don't know something else.

point is the movie sucks


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