Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mystery Science Theater 3000

I 'm watching mystery science theater 3000 right now. The movie is lazerblast to be exact. Which was the last episode on Comedy Central. I think it's still funny and good. it lags a little in some parts. They have a good bit at the end where they talk about how leonard maltin gave lazerblast 2 and a half stars and talking about other actually good movies got simliair or worse ratings. Really hillarious.
I didn't realise how bad that movies this movie was. Well I did.

Also there is no way I would ever show a girl this show. It is so nerdy is hurts. Like it is really wise guy nerd humor. I guess I was like one of those in middle school when I watched a ton of MST 3K. Like I have 20 6 hour ep tapes full. Yeah I'm serious. I guess I understand why I didn't get some girls in high school.

Oh and I think Seth McFarlene must have really like this show and if he says different he is so full of shit. All the witty pop culture refferences are amazingly mst asque (I hope I spelled that right)> I feel they are at least.


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