high sierra and the hustler
This movie is what made bogey a movie star. All though he got alot better later he still owns this movie as he did all his starring roles. I don't know if there is a rhyme or reason behind it but he walks in you know he's a movie star.
The film itself is not perfect. in fact one character is pretty racist but this was made in 1941 so it's a miracle a black person was in it to begin with.
The best part is the famous end before that it's good but not great.
This film was actually remade twice once by the same director raoul walsh once. As a western in the colorado terriotory then again as I Died a Thousand Times. the end mountain scene is very similair in colorado terriotory.
Raoul Walsh is a good director i really loved White Heat it has be one of the best gangster films ever made. But also he was Abe Lincolin in Birth of a nation so this guys goes way back.
It's crazy to think in the 40's the guys who helped on birth of a nation were running things but it's true pretty wild.
I don't think this is amazing and can see why it gets taken off alot of bogey film marathons. but it's fun and has flaws but you should check it out.
Also when this film came out, note in the trailer below bogey did not get top billing. Ida Lapina did.
Which by the way tcm is doing a thing on her all month every tuesday. She was also a director and distrubtor. She was very a head of her time and never gets the respect she deserves. so next tuesday check her out. also watch this below.

This is a good movie and has a great cast Paul Newman, George c. Scott, and Jackie Gleason. It's a great pool movie and has alot of terrific performances. Also a sweet jazz score that was common in the early 60's.
Paul Newman is good at acting like nobody else could ever play this character except him. He's good at that. All though not his greatest performance it's still up there and defently deserved the resulting oscar nomination.
Jackie Gleason was also really great which is werid cause you would think he could do what he do. He was a great film actor in this and i kinda wanna see more film with him in it. I know he's more know as a tv actor but he was good he fit right in.
George c. Scott is great as well and this a young pre strangelove performance. i can see why Kubrick wanted him he does have a certain something about him and it really works.
Seeing these guys play off each other is a marvelous thing to watch. And makes this movie worth while i would say check it out it's a really great movie.
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