retro reviews for meet the yamadas and the fantastic four
So I don't normally do this but i only watched movies yesterday that i allready reviewed for the blog so I decided to go way back when i started this blog in believe it or not 2005 yeah way back before this thing had ads. well anyway i wrote two reviews and then gave up but i still have them and was thinking it would be fun to put them up again as a kinda of re using. since i think most people havn't read these reviews.
I didn't re read them but i doubt my opinion has changed with either so here you go

Tonite my room mate showed me the film " My Neighbors the Yamadas". which is a studio ghibli release. I'm sure by saying that you think of great master narrative story telling. But this film is different. The only films i've seen that use this kind of story telling are the later films of bunel. But this film isn't really like that either.
It's it's own thing, a film about a family and there goings on. We go through various adventours with the family. Such as leaving there youngest daughter at the mall and standing up to bikers. There is nothing that connects any of these stories but through out you get a very good sense of the whole family. Which consists of a Mother, Father, Grandmother, a i guess teenage son, an elementary school Daughter, and a dog. By the end of the film you really know all of the characters. Like inside and out. you know the characters so well, you'd really like to live at there house.
I guess I would say this would be a good movie to watch with your family but the structure makes me wounder if kids will be confused why it doesn't follow most american family films. Also the drawing style is also very different. It's kind of more simple then your used to but what they do with it is really intresting. espically when they use lines for wind and light. But I think bottom line film arn't about what they're about they're about how they're about them and this is about a family. Does it do a good job oh yeah, a remarkable one. so from there i would say yeah check it out. But please don't watch the american dub. i know if you're watching it with young kids or something but jim belushi and molly shannon. oh that just makes me sad.
The only other problem with the film is that there are some jokes that are about japanesse culture that i didn't get but don't worry about it there's just a few of those. I would defntly recommend this film, espically as a really good film to watch with your family. (if u have one if not it's still good)

Fantasitc four is a terriable movie, there's really no way of getting around it seriously it sucks balls. It's not as bad of a comic book movie as say catwoman because catwoman was just bad, this movie is at least somewhat funny bad ( meaning it's so bad it's funny). With most of the first act consisting of bad puns about the characters powers which they would get later. I took a shot everytime they did this in the theater to see if they did it to much. Well needless to say i was drunk before they went into space.
The director of this film is not so much of a director as he is a studio lap dog. He simply makes the film the studio wants to be made with very little artistic value at all. I think this film would have been alot better with the countless other directors that were rumored to be attached cause they of course would have done this.
The perfomances were crap, with the exception of chris evans nobody was at all intresting and even he is kind of a ryan renolds rip off, who himself is a jason lee rip off. so basically Chris Evans is shasta cola. That's the kind of perfomances you get from this film.
I think if this film was made in 1998 it wouldn't be as riped apart cause comic movies weren't what they are now. i think this film has obsoultly no chance after batman begins and spiderman 2. but i guess it never wanted to be.
I don't think this is a good film to see if you like the comic or if you have any intellagence at all. but if you need a good fun movie, actually nevermind this movie sucks see something else. seriously it's a horriable movie.
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