Thursday, June 07, 2007

once upon a time in the west and the devil wears prada

I have to say this is my favorite Sergio Leone movie so far. This is a really good western and to think he made this after the good, the bad, and the ugly. This guy was seriously on a roll.
They studied westerns before making this and it shows. They knew every in and out of what makes a western awesome. It doesn't come more awesome then having Henry Fonda play a villian. He does it so well and you'd never see it with all those John Ford films. He was always the nice guy. Leone flips that convention and knows and milks it for what it's worth.
this movie is really good from the music to the way it's shot. However the pacing may be hard for some to get through and at 2 hours and 40 minutes with the pacing of Sergio Leone you can loose your pactiance but it's worth it if you make it.
This film really is a wounder and a great movie and i can understand why it's on a alot of best westerns of all time list. you defently need to see lots of westerns before getting this but fuck it's worth it.

also fun trivia about the film from wikipedia
"Leone commissioned then-film critics (and future directors) Bernardo Bertolucci and Dario Argento to help him develop the film in late 1966. The men spent much of the following year watching and discussing numerous classic Westerns at Leone's house, and constructed a story made up almost entirely of "quotations" from American Westerns"

so i have to say i like this movie and it's a really good comedy and the cast is good in it. I've heard alot of guys say that whihc is intresting cause that's not it's demo.
I think it goes to show how much well this film came out. I don't think it's great but most i guess chick flicks bottom line suck really bad. the plot and setting is completely unbeliveable and you could care less about the characters.
This film doesn't wanna be that movie. I think this movie will have a longer life then anyone expected because of it's quality.
Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep are great and even the minor parts are good i would recomend it if you have to see one of these movies or if you like Meryl Streep.


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