The Buried Secrets of M. Night Shyamalan

So yeah I know your probably going why are you writing about this. Well curiousty was the original reason because i heard people got upset that it was basically a sham even though i remeber people on the internet knew that before it aired then the regular media got wind of a couple days after and got all mad. the other reason is it is directed and starring Nathaniel Kahn who directed My Architect which was really fucking amazing.
As a documentary it's ok but as a way to promote a film it's fucking awesome. like ok instead of making a making of special and having the stars go oh it was fun working on the set and they talk about how much the love the script. They made a myth around the thing. seriously it is silly. but it's better then the village and signs in my opinion and even suprises you how far it goes in to it and has a suprise apprance from Johnny Deep.
I know the media and alot of people think that it is terrible that anyone would make a documentary that was actually fiction. I really don't understand the problem. How many stupid self promotion things do big movies need. I'm sure the village had a real one and they were all on talk shows. I think this is good and i applaud who ever had the idea cause it was fun.
now since i found a clip of this film on you tube I figured it'd put it up here so maybe to show you some of it.
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