capturing the freidman's and returning to grindhouse

The most intresting part about this documentary is not just the story it self. All though I have to admit that would probably be a really good documentary too. It's the freidmans they make this film intresting.
I defently think this is a good documentary and yeah a great one. By seeing this family you even find yourself looking at yourself and how you will defend people you know as well. but at the same time your not sure if they really did everything they were convicted of.
This defently can go up there with great documentaries and also with great films. The director who by the way is from maryland did a very good job of making a documentary and got amazingly lucky about how good everything turned out. I think for this film and hoop dreams shows that the best thing for documentary is just plain luck.
but when it happens it's awesome.

So normally I don't see movies twice in theates unless it involves spierman. But my girlfriend wanted see grindhouse and nothing else is out really. also the experience of aqua teen was disappointing so we had to make up for it.
So i go in and I expected we could go to any show but alot were sold out which was kinda suprising espically cause I think the film made 4 million this weekend. but maybe new york is the one place it's doing well. the 11pm show was packed.
We sunk in beers which we were a little heasate to sneak to drink cause it was packed. but then as the movie started i poped the cap off and then noticed the whole theater was doing the same. when theater emptyed out you heard tons of beer bottoles.
Grindhouse is fun and is a good movie to watch with beers in fact a great movie to watch with beers. I really think this should be watched with an audience espcially one that is in to it. granted some people don't get it and whateva. but it's fun. if you wanna have a good night get some beers in the theater then go out to a bar afterwards you'll have a good time get drunk and watch some good movies. by the way it two movies for one so pretty good deal.
Yeah, just saw it. Wish I had beers.
8:01 AM
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