Is best animated feature really an animation ghetto

As soon as the best animated feature award came to be at the oscars it's been conterversial for ghettoising (if thats a word and i spelled it right) animated films. Since I've heard this for a while I decided to go through the oscars since 1937. since that was the year Snow White came out. (i am aware that is not the first animated film but i seriously doubt hollywood saw prince akmed) and looked at how animation was treated before and after best animated feature. were they truely regulating it to just that category.
Really they are not. However I do think that the treatment of animation in the best picture categorey has been horriable. There have been 3 times this decade that a film had enough critical accliam and prestiage to secure an oscar nomination for best picture. those 3 times The Incredbiles (nominated for the pga best picture usually is the same nominations as the oscars best picture), Ratatouille (one of the best reviewed films of that year) and most recently Wall e. Best Picture should have given more animated films nominations. all though some years i don't think the best animation film is as good as the 5 nominees there are often times were that is simply not that case. Dr. Dolittle getting a best picture nomination in 1968 the same year the jungle book came out is kinda stupid. like really Dr. Dolittle do you anyone who would say that today. so yeah best picture with animation bullshit.
But there are not as many animated films a year as live action and i don't think animation should just get a best picture. far from it. I want animation to actually earn. all though i do think there are plenty of films that are good enough. I think the best would be a really great animated film win. I'm not at all trying to say animated film should just get it to get it. all though at this point that alone would be great. it would be alot better for the art form if it was a great movie. but really those great movies have come out and they didn't do shit. so yeah
anyway now that i got that out of my system. before best animated feature animation was treated kinda bad. at first however. Disney's films got some love for the academy. even giving him a special oscar for snow white. all though they gave him 7 little oscars too. infact most of the classic disney periods got at least something. hell they even gave Saludos Amigos 3 nominations. seriously you have to give them something for that. but between 1942 and 1990 no animated film won an oscar. yeah for real and most of what was nominated was Disney. now I'm not saying Heavy Metal should have gotten best art direction. but the only non disney nomination was in 1987 for an american tail. I kinda wish they had given somebody something besides that.
Basically before the 90's if you were an animated film you were pretty much nominated for best orignal song. i mean if you wanna talk about a real animation ghetto. after 1951 when Cinderella got 3 nominations. nothing got more then 1 until the little mermaid in 1990 and nothing got an non music categorey until Beauty and The Beast got a best picture but it also had 3 of the 5 best song nominations. yeah kinda bullshit.
The 90's were alot better to animation even getting the very first best screenplay nomination for an animated film for Toy Story. Also in 1992 Beauty and The Beast became the first animated film ever and since (at the this point) to get a best picture nomination. it also got 6 nominations the most ever for an animated film. but really like most animated films it was almost only best song or score. also the two it won were for best song and score. nightmare before christmas was nominated for best visual effects. sometimes a best sound. but really before the best animated feature it was just techincal and music. mostly music though
The first year of best animated feature was a good year for animation with two big hits Shrek and Monsters Inc (well ok finacially). Shrek got a best adapted screenplay the first time an animated film was in that categorey and the second time an animated film was nominated for a screenplay award. it also won best animated feature. it also the first time Pixar was nominated for best sound editing a categorey they would get nominated in for every movie (except cars) they made this decade.
Since best animated feature has started there have been more best screenplay nominations for animated films then in the oscars history. it has happened 5 times with Shrek, Finding Nemo, The incredibles, Ratatouille, and Wall e. Before best animated feature this happened only once. However no animated film has won in this categorey so far.
Also animation picked up it's first ever win in a techincal award in competition for sound editing in the incredibles. Wall e even tied Beauty and the Beast 6 nominations making it also the most nominated animated film ever. however it did do it without best picture.
Really the oscars are never perfect and for every film that gets nominated sometimes there's like 20 that should have been there. So really saying animated film has been screwed over more then say Documentary which has never gotten a best picture nomination is a bit silly. Even the categorey is run alot better. in best forign film each country has to pick one film each. then documentary has long been critised. they didn't even nominate hoop dreams. even though it was called one of the best films of the decade.

However the animation best film categorey has it's own problems. first off the person in charge of the categorey is John Lasseter. Intresting that 2 of the 3 nominations (bolt and wall e) had involment for him. also i wish they would let smaller animated films get in there as well. in stead of a bunch of big hits.
Really Best Animated film is not perfect far from it but i think it has helped animated film in other major categories since it started. But it's not completely great. There still are things that have happened. a pixar film getting a best picture nomination being one and a animated film winning a best picture award. that could still happen in the future and possiably one day. but i think out of all the best foreign, documentary, and animated film. animated film has the best shot. in fact since best animated feature started foreign film has the same amout of screenplay nominations as animated film did. pretty impressive. i hope wall e wins this time and it has a shot but we'll see what happens. Wall e also has a shot at something really big the most oscar wins for an animated film. as of right now it stands as 2. yeah 2 not that impressive. who's done it. well Pinocchio, Fantasia, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the beast, aladdin, lion king, (unforently)Pocahontas, and The Incredibles. Wall e really has the potiential to do it this time. I hope it does at least give it 3.
It's not really a ghetto. that's extreme. if anything it's upper lower class. well ok maybe lower middle class. i guess you could go as far as middle middle class but nothing beyond that. there is still work that needs to be done. I don't think animation has scored a touch down or anything. But it is somewhat better in other categories. but still animation deserves a best picture win and at least another nomination. like i said before it has to be a great movie. Kung fu panda is not gonna do it. But the academy blew in on 3 occasions since animated feature started. I also kinda think Spirited Away should have as well but i know foreign and animated I'm really pushing my luck. But it's not all bad. I've read that Wall e has a good chance at getting the majority of it's 6 nominations. if it gets 3. thats the most ever. and it really has a shot at screenplay. which is such a huge deal if it wins. the biggest category an animated film has won in. so it's not completely a ghetto. just kinda bullshit.
i mean documentary thats a ghetto jeez like those guys don't get shit beyond best documentary oh wait they won once for something else. oh yeah it was for best song.
All the Best Animated feature nominees
*= win

2002: Monster's Inc
Jimmy Neutron
Shrek *
2003: Ice Age
Spirtied Away *
Lilo and Stitch
Treasure Planet
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
2004: Brother Bear
Finding Nemo *
Triplettes of Belleville
2005: Sharks Tale
Shrek 2
The Incredibles *
2006: Howl's moving castle
Corpse Bride
Wallace and Gromit curse of the ware rabbit *
2007: Cars
Monster House
Happy Feet *
2008: Surf's Up
Ratatouille *
2009: Wall e
Kung Fu Panda
every other animation oscar nomination

i'm starting from 1938 ceremony which is for the film year 1937 which is when Snow White came. Which was the first animated film. well ok not the first but the first they ever nominated. The oscars themselves started in 1929 but I'm not doing shorts only features but in case your wondering best animated short started in 1932 with the other short categories.
* = win
1938: Best Music, Score for Snow White and the seven dwarfs
also a Scientific award for Disney for the Multi Plain camera *
1941: Best Music, Original Song for Pinocchio *
Best Music, Original Score for Pinocchio *
1942: Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture for Dumbo *
Honory Award to Fantasia for the advancement in sound in movies *
Honory Award to Fantasia for creating visualised music *
Thalberg Award to Walt Disney *
1943: Best Sound, Recording for Bambi
Best Music, Original Song for Bambi
Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture for Bambi
1944: Best Sound, Recording for Saludos Amigos
Best Music, Original Song for Saludos Amigos
Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture for Saludos Amigos
1951: Best Sound, Recording for Cinderella
Best Music, Original Song for Cinderella
Best Music, Scoring for Cinderella
1960: Best Music, Scoring for Sleeping Beauty
1964: Best Music, Scoring of Music,for The Sword in the stone
1968: Best Music, Original Song for The Jungle Book
1974: Best Music, Original Song for Robin Hood
1978: Best Music, Original Song for The Rescuers
1987: Best Music, Original Song for An American Tail
(first non disney animated feature nomination)
1990: Best Music, Original Song for Little Mermaid (under the sea)*
Best Music, Original Song for Little Mermaid (kiss the girl)
Best Music, Original Score for Little Mermaid *
1992: Best Picture for Beauty and The Beast
Best Sound for Beauty and The Beast
Best Music, Original Song for Beauty and The Beast (beauty and the beast)*
Best Music, Original Song for Beauty and The Beast (Belle)
Best Music, Original Song for Beauty and The Beast (be our guest)
Best Music, Original Score for Beauty and The Beast *
1993: Best Sound for Aladdin
Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing for Aladdin
Best Music, Original Song for Aladdin (a whole new world) *
Best Music, Original Song for Aladdin (a friend like me )
Best Music, Original Score for Aladdin *
1994: Best Effects, Visual Effects for nightmare before christmas
1995: Best Music, Original Song for The Lion King(can you feel the love tonight)*
Best Music, Original Song for The Lion King(circle of life)
Best Music, Original Song for The Lion King(Hakuna Matata)
Best Music, Original Score for The Lion King *
1996:Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen for Toy Story
Best Music, Original Song for Toy Story
Best Music, Original Song for Pocahontas *
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for Pocahontas *
Special Achievement Award for Toy Story *
1997: Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for James and the giant peach
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for Hunkback of notre dame
1998:Best Music, Original Song for Anastasia
Best Music, Original Song for Hercules
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for Anastasia
1999:Best Music, Original Song for Prince of Egypt *
Best Music, Original Song for quest for camelot
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for A Bug's Life
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for Mulan
Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score for Prince of Egypt
2000:Best Music, Original Song for Tarzan *
Best Music, Original Song for Toy Story 2
Best Music, Original Song for South Park Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
2001:Best Music, Original Song for Emperor's new groove
2002:Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Published for Shrek
Best Sound Editing for Monster's Inc
Best Music, Original Song for Monster's Inc *
Best Music, Original Score for Monster's Inc
2003:Best Music, Original Song for the Wild Thornberry's movie
2004:Best Writing, Original Screenplay for Finding Nemo
Best Sound Editing for Finding Nemo
Best Music, Original Score for Finding Nemo
Best Music, Original Song for Triplettes de Belleville
2005:Best Writing, Original Screenplay for The Incredibles
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing for The Incredibles
Best Achievement in Sound Editing for The Incredibles *
Best Music, Original Song for Shrek 2
2007:Best Music, Original Song for Cars
2008:Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen for Ratatouille
Best Achievement in Sound for Ratatouille
Best Achievement in Sound Editing for Ratatouille
Best Original Score for Ratatouille
2009:Best Writing, Original Screenplay Wall e
Best Original Score for Wall e
Best Song for Wall e
Best Sound for Wall e
Best Sound Editing for Wall e
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