cletus, Up, and Madigan
Yesterday i posted the last 3 cletus episodes that weren't on you tube so there all up. I'm gonna post one a day here.
This one was always one of the better ones. It's a good Earl and Cletus episode. I liked the episodes with just the two of them. Also i liked the end theme.
I wrote this episode is wilmington, del. while i was on the bus going to new york i think.
My cartoon count with all the cletus's
93 Cletus cartoons + 74 nockFORCE cartoons + 1 parts = 168 (crazy)
Sunday nite rap-up
Aqua Teen
several king of the hills
drinky crow
the mighty boosh

It almost goes without saying at this point that this one of the best pictures to come out this year so far. It's grand, it's daring, it's basically what you really want from an animated feature. like you know a good movie.
Up's both sad sometimes and fun at other times. it's really one fo those fun bring everyone to kinda things.
Another thing about it is. i've seen a good poration of films from this year. Out of all of them Up is probably the most mature. maybe i just put down all those movies or maybe you should wake up and see this movie.
One of the many things about pixar that i love is the great performances that they can get out of voice actors. they always seem to have really good actors doing there best. this film is no exception. They never just get a celebrity they get who's right for the film. If someone told you there was a film starring Ed Asner and Christopher Plummer you probably wouldn't see it and it wouldn't do well. but the acting would be sweet. so really hats off to them for really getting not just good people but approperate people.
This film and the films director(Pete Doctor) are influeced highly by Hayao Miyazaki. his last film monsters inc i felt that film was more influenced by my neighbor totoro. but this time around i felt a strong Porco Rosso influence.
Pete Doctor has a really unique style and i'm glad i get to see his films. they have both a very cartoon quality. he always makes me laugh he puts almost irresitable gags in there. Then he gets you all teary eyed. he knows had to get you to love a character but he always know you wanna have fun. I can't wait for the next Pete Doctor film. I know it took a while but hell I'll wait if there this good.
I seriously recomend this film. I saw it in 3d or well disney digital 3d. it gave it more depth. i had fun with it. but i don't see it as essential. this is a good enough film to be see in 2d or 3d. but defently see this. it is amazing. I would put this at the upper part of there filmography. which knowing pixar is a great thing. Really no joke best movie of the summer. don't miss out.

don Siegal knows how to make an action movie. at this point he hadn't made Diry harry or charly varick. but he had made invasion of the body snatchers.
This is a very good well made cop drama. or well i guess this is like a cop action movie. He really was good at using the format with the film. if the format was the surf don siegal would let it take him were he needed to go. Very well structured.
You have Henry Fonda and Richard Windmark as kind of too apposing sides. Henry Fonda channeling his performance in Fort Apache a little but still finding a way to make it his own. he's very good at being the athority. He didn't seem to take it as a cake walk either which made his really good.
Richard Windmark is awesome in this movie. perfect guy to play a plays by his own rules kinda cop. some say sinatra should have this role. sinatra is fine but Windmark has the edge to him. i really like him.
all the stuff they did with windmarks wife really paid off. at first she doesn't seem like much to the story but by the end i was like wow that really worked. dam.
This movie work very well kinda slowly building to a very well orchestrated end. The gun fight was well done and suprising. which i found to be a good thing.
This is defently a good cop movie. you might think it's just another type of thing but read between the lines on this one. very well structured. see it for real it was very good.

Even though I've known about it for years, I've only seen probably...5 or so of the Cletus cartoons. I need to make a point to just sit and watch them all sometime.
As for UP, I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to; it looks amazing to begin with, and now that it's out, I've been hearing a lot of good stuff about it. Unfortunately, none of my animation friends live nearby and I've always felt awkward about going to movies alone. But I may have to just suck that up for this one, heh
1:06 PM
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