I don't do reviews for Silent Film that much. I actually watch alot of Silent film but i understand I'm really in a minority so I don't get alot of views from these but it's something i wanna do so yeah.
OK so I'm not really proud of my toy Story 3 review. I could have spent more time on it and really it could have been better. I like some of the stuff i said but i think my performance was really boring and I didn't have the right amount of energy. but i do like this one and i think did a good job for this one. which is pretty much why i put it out so quickly after the last one. so that i could make up for it.
I got Special Thanks for this video. Basically because I own the film they took the film clips from. I showed it to my friend Micah. who is in Dream Band and he liked it and did this. Really I have no involvement at all. But I got Special Thanked. So I feel Special and it's a coo video and stuff.
also they got a Myspace music page if you wanna check out more of there music