yes i finally saw hairspray

so yeah i did give in and see it. Regardless on how i feel about the ethics of this film it's a good movie and maybe work better as a musical then dreamgirls. there was a couple of parts that sucked but for the most part it was coo.
This film was obviously ment to be a crowd pleaser. Much like how the studio era musicals used to be. With some ridicolous amount of stars and lots of crazy musical numbers. I defently missed that when i saw both of the high school musicals. This is not perfect with some overbarring parts and it doesn't always work. It's also weird seeing a parts of the john waters original creep in but most is different. Sure he does have a cameo but it doesn't make up for anything.
the lead nikki taylor is really good and kicks all the actual perfessional big acting peoples ass. If Zac Efron is supposed to be a big deal i have yet to figure out why. but Nikki Taylor is worth and i hope she does tons of shit after this.