we at nockFORCE were on vacation this week for the thanksgiving weekend but we got this special turkey day video.
The turtle is our turtle trevor. He eats fish.
for more fun but less turtles unforently go to

So I have a new nockforce thanksgiving special coming out tonite post midnite. That would make it my third thanksgiving special. All though I don't really like the holiday i do like thanksgiving specials. My personal favorite is the peanutes one were they explain the mayflower. awesome. I also really wish i had boomerang so i could see this
Normally I don't do this but because it was like a kinda crazy weekend with the movies i would write a thing on it.
effnocka and FUCKFORCE discuss how glasses can't really help a movie. Also special 3d playlist with the video.
so since we've got like a month left of 2008. I figured I'd list the best movies coming out for the rest of the year that are any good. in release date order. However i really actually don't know if there good I'm just going off buzz. but you know like what most likely will be good I guess.
This is a music video for a song off of our Third EP,
So it turns out. what you saw on CNN on Election night was not really a hologram. what that shit is dumb. They said it was one and it looked like one.
So i read the nielsen blog which tells me all sorts of things about tv shows ratings and commercials and stuff. You wanna know what the most memorable commercial on tv is. Well it's that annoying as shit Brooke Shields rutan commercial. that's the one most people remeber.
effnocka and FUCKFORCE finally have a new idea- vaudeville!
since it's voting day figured i'd put up all the nockFORCE and Cletus the Fetus about poltics and stuff.