
everyone seems to be doing this story. I even saw stuff on MTV about it. I never thought he would be suhc a big deal when he died.
In Film History at one time he was one of the most important film makers ever and probably still is but not what he once was. Every film history class used to do a class just on him. Now no one does that.
I don't think that makes his work less important.
His films are supposed to be so called intellgent films. I don't know if that's true because that is just kinda pretencious. But he did make really good films made in a way nobdy but Bergman makes films and I think that is an amazing thing.
I wasn't that into him until I saw Fanny and alexander. I think that's a great film with alot of life in it. I've even seen his version of the opera the magic flute. He was a great film maker. Nobody will really forget him. When he put out his last film. A year ago every critic gave it tons of adiration.
One thing i always thought about Bergman now that is funny. So many people look to films like the royal tenbaums and eternal sunshine for all this meaning. There great films but Bergman did that before them and better. His films are so complex i'm not sure I fully understand some of the ones I've seen several times.
Regardless this is a great time to rediscover a great film maker.
also woody allen's quote about him is coo.
"I was very saddened by the death of Ingmar Bergman. He was a friend and certainly the greatest film artist of my lifetime. He told me that he was afraid that he would die on a very, very sunny day. and I can only hope it was overcast and he got the weather he wanted."