Before i start i saw on the colbert report he had george mcgovern on and explained his 72 run for president. intresting thing to bring up right now huh.

There are certain films that deal with the reasoning behond having to kill someone. The ox borrow incident would be like that. This film is somehow more real then that. The film about a a group of kids who takes a school bully on a rafting trip so they can kill him for beating up one of the older kids younger brother. but then they get there and have second thoughts.
This films biggest strengh is that all the characters are so real you can remember people like that from when you were in high school. Which also makes it that more shocking and harder to watch. but thats what makes it so good. The dialouge is really great. Alot of the time i wasn't sure if it was improv or not.
However this film does have flaws. the music sometimes is both over the top, too expected for a "indie"film, and just bad. there were a couple of times were i was really thinking about giving up cause the score sucked so bad. well ok not that bad but it did suck.
Other then that this is a truely great things and i can't wait to see more from this director and will probably see there next film.

When your trying to find a good spagehetti western this is it. Starring Orson wells right hand man in not just Kane but also the third man Joseph Cotton. Who plays a man who wants to bring back the confederacey but killing a bunch of union guys and stealing there money. Forently for us that didn't really work out well at least in this reality. thank god you know.
For a fun spaghetti western. This film is great. There alot of awesome gun fights and great music from Ennio Morricone. (he did the music for the good, the bad, and the ugly need i say more) This film is a fun pick and you'll have a good time. nothing wrong with that.