summer movie season is almost apon us. With the release of Iron man next week. You couldn't tell they don't put out shit like baby mama unless it's close to summer. so i'm gonna tell you which of the few good summer movies are worth seeing or well possiably seeing. if i didn't include like lets say narnia which i may see out of bordum looks like shit. That last one is the only time i fell asleep in a theater.
anyway this list is mostly big summer blockbuster bullshit movie list. I know i could talk about art movies or something but it is fun to have the big summer comin up. heres what to expect.
Iron Man

Well of course this movie looks like it could be the next great comic movie and we havn't had one in like ummm aaa oh yeah since Sin City. 3 years ago. but this could go either way. Still it looks worth it.
Speed Racer

wanna see a stupid movie with bright colors. well thats speed racer. but thats all speed racer wants to be which makes that even better. i really hope this movie is as silly and dumb as i want it to be.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

how could a long awaited sequal with george lucas behind it ever go wrong right. i mean come on. oh yeah right. the problem with this we all know we'll see this the question is will it be good. Most likely not. most likely this movie will suck. So lets just get ready now so i don't have to hear this but it was kinda good no i'm sorry. frankly there should have not been indiana jones sequals. last crusade was coo. but come raiders was it we could have been fine with just that.
The Incredible Hulk

this shows how little hollywood thinks of us that they can revamp a franchise from 5 years ago. but the trailer looks like they might have done it. i actually think this has promise and will see it. but i honestly never liked the hulk that much anyway.

people are all ready saying this could be a huge hit. I would love it to be. But it's the riskie for Pixar. in fact it's the biggest risk they've taken with almost one third of the film without dialouge. but the good news is regardless of box office this movie will be awesome. I really think this will be the best movie of the summer and maybe the year. basically the only movie I'm sure will be awesome. i think this will be our generations et.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army

yeah the trailer i saw was not impressive but i like the director and it could be coo .
The X-Files: I Want To Believe

I think this could be coo. The X-files coming back should be fun and it continues the story. i'm just hopin it's decent.
The Pineapple Express

Seth Rogen wrote it and David Gordon Green directed it. well i'm done lets see it.