halloween on halloween and cletus

so i remeber when i first saw halloween. I bought it from Blockbuster when i was in line for the special edition of Return of the Jedi. It was one of those movies that blockbuster themselves released. it was cheap.
Anyway i manly bought cause it was R and my friends thought it was awesome.
That movie scared the shit out of me but also i knew the movie was fucking awesome. The tracking shot in the begining is worth you seeing it alone. All the scares work very very well. this might be my favorite horror film.
John Carpenter became a film horror god with this film and this started a good run of films from him. Another good horror film was his follow up the fog. Which i highly recommend as well.
Also the music is very effective and very good.
This was first cletus halloween episode. yeah i know i didn't put up the other one yet. i will but enjoy the first one.
oh yeah i did post new ones last nite. Here's a good one