Every year i do these and every year people ask me when it's coming out. I figured I'd finally end this cause I'm going to see my first 2008 movie Be Kind Rewind this Friday. also the Oscars are this Sunday. I would like to say I don't think my opinion is that great for my top whatever to mean something. Like I didn't see Juno for example. But I also don't wanna see Juno so maybe that worked out. But really what do i know.
Also this isn't a top 10 because i didn't feel like i wanted to put more then 8 films i saw this year on a top 10 list. so only 9. I could have had American gangster there or held out for when i saw more movies but nah. I get some people are saying it was a good year for film. I disagree there are some really great films out there but most of the films sucked.

I got new for everyone KNOCKED UP WAS HORRIABLE But this was good. The combination between comedy and the dark tone that reminds me of fast time. Superbad was a good teen movie at a time when Teen Movies are made by Disney about some really unrealistic high school with a jock who wants to sing. Yeah seems alot better doesn't it.
With music by Bootsy Colins and everyone was really funny. I liked Seth Rogens script and Michael Cera. Fun movie.

When you see a film you wanna have a good time. Very few films can promise a great theater experience beyond being a good film. I think this film did both but mostly cause I had a great time both time's I saw and everyone wanted to talk about it on the way home. I remember when I saw Rocky Horror and this was just as fun. A ton of films want that kind of thing. Grindhouse made it happen.
Are the films that could not really but they are fun and were well made for what they were. Those fake trailers and everything. It's just a great time.

I'm not a big Aaron Sorkin fan but this film works. Most likely cause he shouldn' direct his own stuff. Really think about it. Anyway this film is about a very serious thing and didn't make it self to serious for words and had fun with it. It does have it's moments of seriousness. I liked Tom Hanks as an alcholic and everyone was good. Julia roberts was ok you know whateva. I think Mike Nichols has really gone back to making good films again.

David Fincher brings one of the more intresting films of the year. Doing there own investigation into the Zodiac killings. Also filming this like all the presidents men helped add to it's 70's setting. All the casting was really great and shot great. There is very little bad I can say about this film. I wish it was released better and made more money.

Some films are complex and have all this stuff going on. This film is made very simply there's good and evil, an underdog. Everything a simple film should have. Except this is a documentary about the all time donkey kong champion. You get to see a whole world of gaming. I personally don't think you need to like video games to like this film and it will suck you in. You'll be rooting for these guys. I know alot of people talk about sicko but this was the best documentary of the year. Mostly cause i forgot i was watching a documentary.

Paul Thomas Anderson has only put out movies I like. this film is no exception. Watching Paul Dano and Daniel Day-Lewis play off each other was the best acting moment of the year.
techincally this film is perfect. Sound wise with a crazy coo score.I also was shocked how funny and how well you'll be in it. In most years this would be the best film of the year but there were 3 better films.

the best Hollywood movie of the year. What does that mean. Well regardless of what you can say this was a major summer movie put out by a huge studio around july 4th weekend. It's really great at what it does. If a lesser director had this film it wouldn't work as well. You'd get sick of all those people talking in a restuarant. But Brad Bird has amazing shots and well storyboarded this out so well. Also you just end leaving and loving food. Just it makes food look great.
Look Pixar has put out alot of good stuff over the years. This film is no exception but in the end it's a really well made hollywood movie in a way that the studio system was. It shows they care about making a good big movie that we all can see and love and man they are good at it.

It was hard to pick if this was better then number 3 but i think in my heart it was. a film about a girl growing up in Iran. It's the kind film you wish that tons of teen girls would see but won't know about it til there like 20. a very great story and really well told. In a perfect world this would get alot more respect.

yeah this was kind of a no brainer. I always really liked Blood Simple and this is the cloest thing I've seen them make seen then. A really quiet film with very little interaction from the people on the poster with each other. they all play there characters really well and I just feel like there was nothing wrong with it. Just everything worked really well. Everything techincally was perfect and every one in it gave a great performance. Just a great movie.