There's certain shows or movies that have always been nerdy Star Trek no matter how popular it ever was always been for nerds. Battlestar Galatica no matter how good it is it will always be nerdy. But Star Wars used to be for everybody.
You might think I'm crazy and if all you've seen are the new Star Wars movies then you don't know what I'm talking about. But before those things everyone liked star wars. When Star Wars was re released in 1997 I was in middle school and the whole fucking school saw it and not like all me and my nerdy friends. The popular kids and the jocks and the stoners. Everyone saw it and had it see it.
Those original 3 movies (and I mean the first 3 made) really did capture everyone imagination. It didn't matter where you lived or what your social standing was you fucking loved fuckin star wars.
I remember in middle school I had a star wars in encolpedia and everyone looked at it and read through it. Like boys and girls. It was like the one thing that everybody everywhere liked.
I liked star wars then and I still like star wars then. I liked everyone not being embarressed to talk about it.And everyone wishing they made Star wars toys. When I saw some of the non fucked with Star Wars at work I remembered Star Wars and the one I remembered not some crap cg they put in later. My Star Wars.
I cannot count how many times I watched those films and I am excited to have the films I grew up with to be on dvd. I have missed those films. Those are what everyone loved don't watch those icky other ones just watch the ones that came out on Tuesday.
I will admit when episode one came out it was fun and it's a good stupid movie for the most part but it doesn't come anywhere close to the old ones. In fact I do own it on dvd and while it isn't good the Darth Maul part is defenetly one of the best light saber battles in all the films. The pod Race is also amazing. But other then that it doesn't have much to offer. When it came out in 1999 it ruled my entire summer. I wanted all the soda bottles with all the characters and I wanted all the action figures. By the time the end of 1999 came around and like a million great movies came out I forgot about it and came to grips with the fact that a movie I had seen in the theaters like 8 times was shit.
After that was episode 2 which I liked the first time but got to bored to watch again. The whole movie is to long and boring for such a crap pay off.
Then episode 3 I don't care what people say it was the worst one. It was the least conistant star wars film. There was parts where you'd be like hey this is getting better and then it would turn to shit in fact it was even laughable at times.
I guess Geoge Lucas did reinvent Star wars for a new genertion.
Really if you want to know what it was like before go see the old ones the original way. They are worth it. If you wanted to know why in Clerks they talk about it so much when you see them you'll get it. I do like lord of the rings alot but to me maybe the orignal trilogy was the best I've seen. And don't even fucking say godfather cause part 3 was not up to par. Jedi may be the worst of the original trilogy but it's still a great movie. Lord of the rings is the most consistant film trilogy ever and I won't say star wars is more but in my mind I will always say it's better.