the war room and space thunder kids

This is a really good documentary espically for everything it captures on film. Clinton was a big part of the 90's and this film shows how it started. we follow the campaign from jennifer flowers to the end and they still won. There really good at making this work for them.
James Caville was crazy to watch as he has a huge personality. Then stefonaplis is a character himself. Following these two guys around is pretty crazy.
It's also intresting to see alot of the press people and clinton people just hanging out. Then when the cameras are on there completely different. But when the cameras off there talking about getting beer later. That i wish still went on cause i feel like alot of people now arn't as down with doing that if there an opposing side.
This is a really good documentary even if you have no intrest in clinton. but if you know more about it then say i do then you'll probably like it alot.
This film was also directed by the director of Don't look back.

Let me start off by saying this is a $1 dvd i get at a dollar store near my place. So anything about serious film has left the building. This film does not have a chohesive story really. But it's awesome cause they just took clips from other animated $1 movies and cut them together but it's all the awesome robot battles.
so if you want like an hour and a half of robot battles and like nothing else this is your movie and it's worth every cent you paid for it. for the rest of you i don't think you'd like it