Half Nelson and Who's Harry Crumb

This movie is was hard to get into at first cause it was doing the whole shaking cam thing. i hate shaking cam when you just do it just cause. it doesn't work. it just makes you look lazy. sure if you have no money nobody cares but if you have lots of money then why the fuck do you do that.
Then I realised i guess that was the style of the time so i got over. yeah this is a pretty good movie.
I guess it's mainly following Ryan Goslings character. He's an intresting guy in the film. playing this really high minded teacher addicated to coke and crack (which are the same thing but yeah). sometimes i wonder if his class was a little too much but i remember teachers kinda throwing out bigger ideas. He's kinda like one of those teachers in high school that you wanted to go to there class.
Gosling is good at it and i guess i understand all the buzz. He looked coo in his coke glasses with his jacket over his shoulder. like yeah i'm that greatest teacher ever. all you other guys suck and i'm super coo.
My big problem with this movie is that sometimes it felt very real and then it would feel kinda forced. which was an odd paring. but at the same time i got lost in the movie. which is a good thing. however i can tell you it's faults as well. so i don't know. i think this is a good movie. there are so many things that are cliche but does that matter. if the ride was good who cares.
I guess thats what i think of half nelson. it's good but i know it's kinda dumb too. While your watching it you won't think it. cause it's engaging and it's a good movie. so yeah i guess it's worth seeing.

I found this John Candy vechile and i thought why not and really it's not so bad. i can understand that this is the kinda thing that i should hate. but there's something about John Candy in this movie that doesn't make you hate it. he just carries himself extremly well.
Both doing phyiscal comedy and improving dialouge and not in a like he thinks it's funny way. i like wanted to see him.
Sure this movie is stupid. this movie is really stupid. But John Candy certainly has a great charm about him and makes it work.
Also playing his boss is Jeffrey Jones. who i love seeing. so that also helped this film.
It's almost like this was a more well thought out kind of ace ventura. like i know it's a vechile like all those jim carry movies. while those got really annoying this holds up.
I never really thought about John Candy but he's a really coo guy and this movie is further evidence of that. if you like stupid comedy check it out. you'll like it. it's alot of fun.