it should happen to you and fantasia

I saw this movie for the first time a couple of years ago and really liked it. It's about a girl who rents out an empty billboard and puts her name on it. then becomes famous because of it. That premise alone is kinda coo but there is also a romantic comedy element with Jack Lemmon in his feature film debut. Yep this was his first movie.
If you like old romantic comedies you'll like this movie. also if you want an intresting story to watch along the way. I think all the actors are really good. And it works very well as a film. I bought it for 5 bucks and most places should have it. I think if you rent it instead of a modern romantic comedy you'll probably have a better time with this.

This probably disney's most experimental movie with all the shorts and espically the weird stuff at the begining. But then it becomes a tradinol disney movie by the end.
I really like this movie but will admit that it doesn't carry all the way through that well. as a film the first part work even the dinosaurs part but after a while it petrs out. Which is unforente. However the fact that they attempted this at all is amazing. this is a crazy fucking idea and for disney to say yeah lets do the most expensive thing we've done to date. wow.
Another thing about this film is the work of expermental film maker Oscar Fischinger who did alot of the work on the first short in the film. He however did not get along with the disney crew because they made fun of him and his stuff was werid. but if you like the first short in this film check out a review i did for his DVD